It’s been almost a week since Daisy’s passing. You know, life has just gone on. It’s really weird. John and I take care of Sean and then we go to bed. I miss her clicking nails on the hard wood floor, waking me up at 2 am because she needed a drink. I miss her prancing around at 7 because she needed her insulin. I miss her coming into the bathroom after my shower, licking the water off my legs. I miss her greeting me at the door when I come home, and jumping on me. I miss her needing … [Read more...]
Daisy Do - February 1997 - April 15, 2009
It’s really hard to watch your baby get old. For Daisy, it started with going blind. I think she had some vision, but what she had left didn’t even allow her to go for walks. She would get spooked by bushes and trees. My runner stopped running. She would come out to the front yard, and where last summer she would run down the street looking for cat poop in the neighbours yard, this weekend she just went to the driveway, and turned around and went back … [Read more...]
Daisy Vs. The Hedge Hog
For Christmas, Daisy got several new toys. Her favorite is the Hedge Hog, which she plays with every day. It’s very funny, and I thought you might enjoy seeing a bit of her rough-housing! This is the Hedge Hog. Very cute little toy. Got it at Target. Got one for Bijou too. This is Daisy, right before the attack on the Hedge Hog. Here it is… Daisy Vs. Hedge Hog. Enjoy. As you can see, she felt the need to involve the duck that she got … [Read more...]
Daisy and I have a cold
Last night when I got home from class, Daisy was so excited that she started coughing. She woke up at 5:30 this morning, still coughing. Now, I’m blowing my nose like mad, and I’m coughing too. I think we are both so glad that I’m done with classes that we decided to get sick together. I hope it’s not serious for her… I know I just have a cold. … [Read more...]
Daisy is much better!
So, after a rough Sunday, Monday Daisy was back to her old self. Running around like a puppy rather than the old lady that she is. She and I both thank you for the well wishes! Tonight, I was informed that my girl was not as well behaved as she should have been while I was on vacation. Apparently she "nipped" at my friends baby one of the 2 days she was at her house. I wouldn't be surprised if she did. She is old, and given enough play, she does get tired. I'm sure that between the 18 … [Read more...]
It’s the quirks in life that make me smile
I'm at home today, as it is Cesar Chavez day here in California. The sun is shining, and it's a lovely 75 degrees outside. That being said, I'm inside writing (well attempting to) my paper that is due Monday. I've placed my desk in the window so I can look out on the backyard. For most of the morning, Daisy has been at my side, inside. I decided that Daisy would be outside if she had a blanket to lay on. The only reason she was inside was because she likes to lay on the carpet. So, I put … [Read more...]
Daisy’s hair cut!
So, Daisy always looks good with a new hair cut... but she hates having her picture taken! … [Read more...]
It’s a ghost… It’s not a ghost, but it’s white!
Last night, I took Daisy out for her evening walk about 6. She had been asking for quite some time, but I was ignoring her. So, imagine my surprize when I saw this in the next door neighbours front yard! At first I thought it was a cat... Then, it hopped. I knew it was a bunny, and it was afraid of Daisy. I figured I'd take Daisy for her walk, and it would be gone. Someone must be looking for it. Daisy and I went for our long walk, and low and behold, our bunny friend was still out … [Read more...]
we’re of to see the vet!
ms. do has green goober things in her left eye. it's so gross. i thought maybe she had some last night, but i was hoping i was wrong. oh my god, i was so wrong! i came home tonight and gave her a good look, and green gunk everywhere! i tried wiping it out, and took a good look at her eyeball. it's all red and irritated! poor daisy! so, i immediately call the vet, who says, i can't get you in until saturday. poor daisy has to wait until saturday to make her eye goobers go away. boy … [Read more...]
daisy gets this! when daisy does this... warning... it's gross! … [Read more...]
Look who’s talking…