miss nikki

this morning i woke up at o’dark’o’clock and took miss nikki to the airport. she is flying right into hurricane izzy. poor thing. i do hope that she doesn’t get delayed somewhere.

it’s really quite strange to have her back. i’ve missed her company, that is for sure, but i feel bad for her in the same breath. it’s like she couldn’t have her friends because of who she chose to be with. now that she has left that person (thank god), she can have her life back. i think we all feel that we get to have our lives back too. i can’t tell you how many times i’ve heard “it’s just like things never changed, and we are back at the old house”. and it is…

now, nikki is spreading her wings, and finding herself again. i know how hard that is. i keep finding myself over and over again. hmm. some days i wish that i could be boring and not find that i’ve changed. but then i think, god, how boring would i be.

once again, welcome back miss nikki… may you continue to bless us with your smile.