shoes and the single girl

clark's alexanderover the weekend, i went shopping with miss anne-a-belle. what a good time we had. i had purchased two pairs of shoes on a gno earlier this month, and i decided not to keep one of the pairs. after checking out the sales at nordstrom, i decided to exchange the pair i purchased, for a different pair. glory chen mules, black with 1/2 inch platform and a 1 1/2 inch heel. cute shoes. anne really liked them.

then anne left and i went up to clarks… slowly but surely this store is becoming my favorite shoe store. i’ve been dying to purchase a pair of brown boots. and i’ve been looking for a short one that i can wear with skirts. and here it is. isn’t it lovely? and it’s mine. in brown. yummy stuff!

now, i really need a blue shoe. i’ve been thinking about getting a pair of clark’s veronica, but i’d really like something dressier… any suggestions? and, while you are at it… suggest a good navy purse too. i really need a navy purse.