morning rides

monday morning on the way to work, some idiot rear ended me. it really wasn’t a huge deal. i was waiting at 7th and San Salvador, in a huge line of cars, for a pedestrian to cross the street. apparently the idiot behind me wasn’t paying attention to the fact that i didn’t move, and he tapped me. it jerked me in my seat, but didn’t hurt my car. i knew he was going into the garage, so i went ahead in and slowed to talk to him. he went down below the garage so that i couldn’t talk to him. looser. male drivers. hmph.

tuesday morning, no one hit me getting to work. but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t an eventful morning… as kathy and i were walking across campus, a seamingly normal looking man wispered “disgusting ass pigs” at us. very nice. hmph. i wonder what it was that made that man think we needed to hear that first thing in the morning. yes, i’m betting he is insane. unfortunately there are lots of homeless, mentally ill people wondering around campus. i’m not thinking he was a student. he didn’t have a back pack. men. hmph.

today, i’m thinking wow, i got to work and there was no incident. no man trying to get me to move out of his way, no man making inappropriate comments… but yet, there is an incident. i just don’t know what is going on yet. the entire corporation yard is blocked off… they have blocked off most of the upper right hand side of campus. lots of cop cars around. we in institutional planning are trying to spread rumors that there is a stand-off. i like to think there is a gun man trying to kill students. marilynne wants to think that they found a dead person. sheri thinks someone might be jumping from the 10th street garage. who knows at this point… i’ll try and update you by lunch.