
last night missey andrea and i had a wonderful girls night. you know it, we went to chevys and ate nachos for dinner… then we went to target. i love target. it is one of my favorite places to shop.

missey andrea bought bumpy clothes, and i bought the lion king dvd. even mom said we had to have the lion king dvd. can’t really fight mom, can you?

i was feeling pretty flush last night so i purchased 2 new shirts. i’m not sure of their staying power. i like them, but i don’t love them. i think i’d rather have something else… like from sears maybe. i got these great apostrophe shirts there when i got my new car battery. it’s amazing that a $5 off coupon will get you into that store and actually purchase something. i was surprised that the store was clean, the clothes looked nice, and things were pretty inexpensive. maybe they are changing the way they do things.

anyway, after a great girls night, i went home and had a nice chat with mom. then the rocker called. i really like the rocker. then i went to bed. i’m smiling again. i’m feeling good, and the tempatures are starting to fall. i think winter is going to be great!