friday five…  gwen style!

1. what would you like most for christmas?
i’d really like a tivo. that would be uber cool. but what i’d really like is for the powers that be to find a cure for rhumitoid arthritis… and a way to undo all the harm it does to the joints.

2. how important is giving at this time of year?
i think that giving is important at all times of the year. but i think that at christmas time it is so important to remember how lucky we really are, and share that with others who are less fortunate. i love to donate to toys for tots, and get a child off of the salvation army’s giving tree. it makes my moment.

3. how much have you donated to charity this year?
i’m sure it’s over $500. i gave to the new library, i donated books to a library in oakland… and i gave a few hours to build. i can say, it’s not as much as i should have.

4. what is your favorite charitable organization?
BUILD. businesses united in investing, lending and development. they are a wonderful organization in menlo park that works with young adults. they teach students how to build a business, and then work with them to make that business happen. their hearts are in the right place, and they work hard to teach the kids how to help themselves.

5. when you see a salvation army bell ringer, do you give? why/why not?
i always give what ever change i have. i figure, if i have change, it might help someone a bunch more than it helps me. but, i only give to this organization in this manner. i think that most of the other organizations sitting outside of the target/macys/safeway are scams. they are out to take your cash. i know the salvation army isn’t like that. so, i give as much as i can.

i think i asked these questions because i wanted ya’ll to know how fortunate you all are. even when i was out of work, i never went hungry. i could always pay my bills. there are people, more importantly children out there in this country that are hungry. we should all do what we can to help. that 50 cents in your wallet is much better served giving a hungry child a sandwich for lunch then saving to buy that new gadget. or even a tivo.