You have just won one million dollars: 1. Who do you call first? my mom and the rocker... 2. What is the first thing you buy for yourself? i buy a mini cooper... or a house... i can't decide. 3. What is the first thing you buy for someone else? a carl thompson bass for the rocker 4. Do you give any away? If yes, to whom? i pay off my mothers mortgage and pay the second that my dad took out. 5. Do you invest any? If so, how? you mean there is some left? i think the 40% i'm giving to the … [Read more...]
Archives for January 2004
sharks win!
while knitting the lovely bump blanket, i watched the sharks pull out a 4 to 1 victory over the flames. by the third period, the rocker had decided that he wanted to hold me, so i had to stop knitting. it really was kinda cute... it was nice to see that i wasn't the only girl knitting at the hockey game. there was a woman almost in front of me that was working on a fair isle sweater. she has a bunch more patience than i do. i'm not sure i'm up to working with all those yarns yet. cables? … [Read more...]
sharks vs. calgary
tonight the rocker and i are going to hockey. the rocker loves hockey. my lovely friend anne gave me the tickets. i traded a bag of see's hot hearts for them. i don't know, the rocker is happy, he gets free live hockey. anne is happy she gets hot hearts. i guess it's a win-win situation. i brought my knitting. i've seen women knitting at the game before, so, i'm not going to feel bad if i pull mine out. doesn't sound like it will be any different than any other night as of late. only … [Read more...]
the friday five
At this moment, what is your favorite... 1. right now, i'm all over dido "white flag"... and "life for rent" is in the changer. 2. chex mix, chex mix, chex mix... made with bugles & goldfish 3. show? felicity, yes i know it's off the air. 4. ...scent? pink grapefruit 5. ...quote? "'tis better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at all" … [Read more...]
it’s frickin’ cold
today, the campus' heat went out. apparently, one of the pipes that pumps steam all over the campus to heat the buildings burst. hmm. it sucks. all day today i've shivered... a brrr here, a brrrrr there. what is a girl to do? i have on wool socks, a wool skirt, a wool sweater, a cotton sweater, a polar fleece blanket and boots. i am freezing. tomorrow, i'm gonna wear jeans and my over sized wool sweater. maybe then i'll stay warm. … [Read more...]
dusty 45’s here i come
the rocker and i swich off being social coordinator on date night. saturday it was my turn. i heard from the astrofiend that the dusty's were going to be in town. i checked it out and decided that this date night, we were going to see the dusty's. there are lots of good reasons to see the dusty 45's. one, they play an awesome mix of surf and roots rock. most of which is their own music. two, billy, the lead singer is really cute (they all dress the part as well). and three, billy lights … [Read more...]
driving the w12 phaeton
so on monday, the second real holiday of 2004, i got to drive the sup'ed up w12 phaeton. what does it really mean? i got to spend another day with my dad. since i don't see him that often, i was pretty excited. i got to the city about 9:03 am... dad was there waiting for me. we filled out the paper work, got the mini tour of the car and we took off. i drove the car to danville, where we had breakfast with andrea. we let her drive the car for a bit. no, we weren't supposed to, but we … [Read more...]
sporty spice
it has been a long time since my sister and i have had a conversation that meant anything. a really long time. my sister and i aren't friends anymore. that sucks. my sister and i aren't friends because sporty spice didn't like the fact that i wasn't estatic that he gave my sister an engagement ring. i could care less that she has a ring or who gave it to her. i was bothered by the ring. i was. i'm not now. i was bothered because it really was my turn to have someone in my life that … [Read more...]
falling off the planet
i so feel like i have dropped off the blog planet! i've been working on skinning, and working (really). so, lets see what the afternoon brings. maybe i'll tell you about the awesome weekend i had. … [Read more...]
kathy at blogmoxie rules!
i just have to let you know that kathy at blogmoxie is the absolute greatest person on the face of the earth! she had a suggestion, i called verio, and within 20 minutes or so with a change to my php.ini file, my test site is now skinable. I LOVE BLOGMOXIE! … [Read more...]
Look who’s talking…