Archives for November 2004

MAX2004 - Day 3

I'm currently missing general session. I hate general sessions usually. The are really loud and rah-rah. I'm not in the mood for rah-rah. Last night I had another awesome dinner. I went to some resturant on Magazine Street. I wish I could remember what it was called. I had this incredible crab au-gratin. ok, YUMMY. I can't even explain, but i think it was crab, some sort of cheese and a few odd mushrooms. It was so rich I couldn't finish it. I had Pecan Crunch Ice Cream for dessert. … [Read more...]

MAX 2004 - Day 2

{senseless rant} Just so we are clear... The Hilton Riverside sucks. I rented that laptop so I could blog every minute of every day, and do you think I can get on to their network? HELL NO. I've called tech support 5 times, and still no internet. and, I lost my book. I 3/4's done and I lost my book. {/senseless rant} Day Two at MAX. Blogging from the conference floor. There are a ton of people here, and I've been trying very hard to be social. I've given away 2 business cards. One … [Read more...]