the first amendment

apparently the members of the snedeker, guerra and parra family have not taken a us government class. if they have, they have forgotten what the first amendment of the us constitution is, and what it means. lets refresh their memories, shall we?

the first amendment of the united states constitution simply states:

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

wow, one wouldn’t think that has anything to do with this conversation. lets take a look at what the first amendment center has to say about the first amendment. it is intersting isn’t. back in 1787, the framers of the first amendment were thinking about how important it is that i personally have the right to say what ever it is that i want to say. isn’t that incredible?

but wait… the framers of the constitution and first amendment weren’t talking about this blog. i mean really. think about it. it’s just a diary, right. WRONG. back in july of this year, the 9th us circut court of appeals ruled that online publishers can post material generated by others without liability for its content. wow! isn’t that special. that means that when i was being nice about removing a picture such a long time ago, i didn’t have to, nor did i have to ask permission to use it.

what it also means that my opinions are my opinions. i have not slandered the snedekers, guerras or parras, nor have i ever slandered cin. anyone who reads this site knows this. i may have slandered my mother, my father, my sister, the rocker, sb, the new boy, and my best friend speed. i admit it. i wrote how i felt at a specific moment in time. lucky for me, that is not against the law, and the law is on my side.

i do need to remind the snedekers, guerras and the parras of a few things.

one: i do not force you to read this. i do not open your web browsers, go to this page and hold your eyelids open in an attempt to have you see what i have done. this being said, i respectfully request that you don’t read this. believe me, you will never be a topic of conversation again.

two: the united states federal government does not take e-mail threats lightly. being that the two families live in different states, the threat made to me can be tried in federal court. i am willing to take this matter to court and have someone arrested. don’t think i’m not. you’d be making a mistake.

three: the snedekers, guerras and parras have turned my diary into a family debate. it is my diary. i pay for the server, i create the content, and i do not answer to them or anyone else. i would never try to censor you. do not ever try to censor me again. i will not listen. and you, not i continue to hurt and ruin this family, or what is left of it, with the continuation of this unlawful activity.

oh yeah, and just incase you don’t understand any of this, it is a fucked up comment. bring it on.