
so today someone did a google search on my site looking for the word marriage. HMPH. we all know i’m not married. HELLO? did i miss something here? have i even been talking about marriage recently? i don’t think so…

so, just so there is no doubt. i’m not married. i’ve never been married. i have no kids. i have a loser dog named daisy who likes to have her butt itched (i’m begining to think it may be doggie orgasmatic but that’s beside the point). and on top of it all, i’ve gained like 5 lbs. in the past month.

i’m dating a really nice guy who plays bass guitar… but, he doesn’t want to get married or have kids until he is secure, whatever that means. security is not all it’s cracked up to be, and really, in this economy with our loser president, can anyone really be secure? i think not.

so, the little search term has made me, oh i don’t know, frumpy. ok not a good word, but that’s how i feel.

the rocker does know what kind of ring i would like if he chooses to ask me, but i doubt that. at least, not this year… or next (he just doesn’t work that quickly)

so there you have it… my pitiful single life in a nutshell.