is life better when you get what you asked for?

i decided that i didn’t like the rocker using things i told him against me. he seems to do it more than i like so, i asked him to meet me at the house, and i said my peace.

i told my boy that he was never allowed to say that my “mental stability” was a reason not to take our relationship farther. i told him that if he was having a problem with what was going on, he needed to own it. i think that is only fair. i mean really, blaming one another for our problems doesn’t get anyone anywhere. it just hurts feelings. and he really hurt mine.

i told him that for 2 and 1/2 months, i had been asking for more. and i didn’t get it. i had been patient. i tried. and it was making me miserable. i’ve lived by myself for so long that i wasn’t used to not getting what i wanted. and then i made the following statement:

you either need to shit, or i am throwing your ass off the pot.

i couldn’t believe i was standing up for myself. but tuesday night at dinner, missey andrea told me to stop being a doormat. and she is right. i need to stick up for myself.

the rocker said, so you want me to move in? i said i thought so. he said ok. it was that simple. ok, granted, the talk lasted quite a bit longer and involved a bunch of crying on my part, but in a nut shell, that is what happened.

friday night, he had boys night at the house. his best friend came over and watched hockey. i got them pizza and beer. i had him all day saturday, and sunday, we even had a family dinner with his brothers.

i liked it. i liked being with him. i’m not sure i liked getting the pizza in my jammies, but i did it. his stuff is making its way over, and he is keeping his place. i think that is good too. (besides, it’s his parents place, so he isn’t paying rent).

i think i’m happy. wait, i know i’m happy. i’m just tired. so much togetherness can be exausting… i think i might like not having a date on friday, just so i can sleep.


  1. That took some spine i bet, Glad things worked out for the best

  2. I’m so happy things have worked out for you. Congratulations!