Today is the Nuchal translucency screening

I’m getting both excited and nervous for this test this afternoon.  First, they are going to poke my finger.  I hate that.  I’m not a good blood giving patient, and I’m really not looking forward to this.  I think they should have to poke John’s finger too.  That would make it fair, right?  But no, they only care about MY blood.  Second, the test is supposed to be given between 11 and 14 weeks.  By Dr. Jaki’s calculations, I’m ahead of schedule…  By about 4 days.  But, I bet I’m not really ahead of schedule, I bet I’m just going to have MONGO baby, as John was 10 lbs 3 oz and a whopping 23 inches long.  Yeah, he is hoping for a BIG baby.

I am excited because maybe we will be able to see the sex of the baby.  You know, I’m hoping that the baby is spread eagle in this test.  Just saying, check me out!  See we decided not to find out, and if he/she is not modest, we might get to see on accident!  That’s my hope.

The test is this afternoon at 3.  Should be interesting, don’t you think?


  1. Hope everything was great!

  2. So was the baby spread eagle? Hope everything went well!