Sometimes there are stories that you are sure that you have told… And then you have realized that you have not.
I knew I talked about this story on Facebook recently. It was all about how inappropriate I was this day.
We had decided that this was a day to just look around Loch Ness, and see what it was about. We said, should we go left or right. From where we were, we chose left. Left as we soon found out was a slower road, with less traffic and fewer tourist traps. Great choice!
While we were driving down the road, we decided to make a stop and go down to the water. It was so beautiful. The fog was burning off and the loch was so beautiful. John and Sean went right down to the waters edge, and set out to walk on rocks were we were. Sean slipped in fell in Loch Ness.
At first, I swear Sean said it was John’s fault. But, he came running to me for comfort… And what did I do? Tried SO hard to stifle my laughter. I love Sean, but I saw this coming. I mean really. Water, Sean, John, and some competition built in, and you have the perfect storm.
What I love about the picture of me is that you can tell that I’m trying so hard not to laugh. It was so hard. I was trying to be that perfect mom. How John thought to take that picture? I so appreciate it. It’s moments like these that make AWESOME stories that could be easily forgotten. We won’t forget he fell in, that’s for sure. But, I’m guessing my reaction would have been.
This LO features 2 kinds of thickers, 2 pieces of wood veneer from Teresa Collins, and some really old wood veneer from Studio Calico. This spring I took three classes with Layle Koncar of Simple Stories. One of the things she likes to do is ground her pages with a bit of doodling around the edge of her page. This page needed that grounding, and look how awesome it turned out!
Is there anything you do to “ground” your pages?
love your page, gwennie! when he’s older sean will get some hearty laughs looking at this one!