Archives for October 2003

oh asstrofiend, what is a girl to do with you?

so, i've been writing my asstrofiend... i really do think that every girl needs an asstrofiend in their lives... i had a really bad, overly emotional day monday. i'm not saying that is a good reason to talk up my depression in my blog, but this is how i try and work things out (thanks to gigglechick for the words of encouragement). the day only got worse, depression-wise, and by the evening, even the rocker knew how sad i really was. poor rocker, this was his first experience with me being … [Read more...]

no stand-off :(

i just wanted to let everyone know that the mail room found a box that looked suspicious. that's it. nothing more. not only that, the box wasn't anything to have worried about. darn. i wanted a stand-off, or at least a jumper! hmph. … [Read more...]

morning rides

monday morning on the way to work, some idiot rear ended me. it really wasn't a huge deal. i was waiting at 7th and San Salvador, in a huge line of cars, for a pedestrian to cross the street. apparently the idiot behind me wasn't paying attention to the fact that i didn't move, and he tapped me. it jerked me in my seat, but didn't hurt my car. i knew he was going into the garage, so i went ahead in and slowed to talk to him. he went down below the garage so that i couldn't talk to him. … [Read more...]