Archives for 2003

knitting projects

as promised, i had the rocker take some pictures of my knitting for me. this one is made with rowan biggy print... 3 skeins. the color is dull. i had made a scarf with the yarn before, and i hated it. so with this one, i did a knit 2 perl 2 pattern for 8 stiches. i think it looks a ton better than it did. when my aunt connie came to visit over the weekend, i gave it to her. it so matched her coloring. it was almost like it was made just for her. go figure. this one is made with rowan … [Read more...]

friday five!

1. Do you like to shop? Why or why not? i adore shopping! that is what i was doing on friday, rather than answering these questions. i like seeing what is out there. i love to people watch. i don't have to purchase something to "go shopping". i just love getting out. 2. What was the last thing you purchased? a christmas gift for the rocker... and for my mother... and for boo. 3. Do you prefer shopping online or at an actual store? Why? i shop both places. i like online shopping because … [Read more...]


thank you missey andrea for the funny! … [Read more...]

el sicko returns!

so, after a weekend of lust with a kleenex (make that several kleenexes) i am back to work! there is just oh so much to say! the crucible was, lets just say, bad. the rocker and i left at intermission. the salem witch trials and techno music just don't mix. i'm not sure what they are doing over in the theatre department, but we spent more time straining to hear the actors and looking at their backs then we did actually hearing the lines. the rocker said that his mom would have never staged … [Read more...]

the friday five

1. List five things you'd like to accomplish by the end of the year. knit 3 more scarfs finish my christmas mix have my inrange progression go through kiss the rocker on new years eve launch the new ipar site 2. List five people you've lost contact with that you'd like to hear from again. nancy sarver linda di ponio elaine ma alex eusebi matt taylor 3. List five things you'd like to learn how to do. crochet play guitar yoga flash let things go 4. List five things you'd do if you won the … [Read more...]

christmas cd

i've been working diligently on the christmas cd... i've finished the cover and i've got about 10 songs. the masterblaster commented that i was "putting the horse ahead of the carraige with art done before 'product'". hmm. i always pick a theme, and create things in tandem. this year, i was really pleased with the cover, so i'm done already. i didn't think much of it. so, i've got to find about 8 more songs. this peace theme is really working for me, but i'm thinking this cd is going to … [Read more...]


i will not feed the trolls. i will not feed the trolls. i will not feed the trolls. … [Read more...]

meeting the rockers family

this weekend, the rocker took me to meet his brother, his brothers wife and their 3 children. actually, we were set up to babysit two of the kids while the brother and wife were at the hospital with the brand new baby. it was a git overwhelming, but it was ok. he held the baby for a little bit, it was really cute. he looked so scared. but, he didn't drop it, so everything was fine. we were invited to thanksgiving at his brother's wifes brother's house. we shall see... i think that we … [Read more...]

the friday five

1. Using one adjective, describe your current living space. limiting 2. Using two adjectives, describe your current employer. educational, flexible 3. Using three adjectives, describe your favorite hobby/pasttime. calm, creative, useful 4. Using four adjectives, describe your typical day. chatty, immobile, sunny, diligent 5. Using five adjectives, describe your ideal life. captivating, frolicsome, erotic, tranquil, benevolent … [Read more...]

the first amendment

apparently the members of the snedeker, guerra and parra family have not taken a us government class. if they have, they have forgotten what the first amendment of the us constitution is, and what it means. lets refresh their memories, shall we? the first amendment of the united states constitution simply states: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of … [Read more...]