The newest flower…

For those of you who are wondering just what have I been knitting lately, this is it. The flower. I enjoy making them because they take nill yarn, even less time, and they are beautiful! I also like finding the perfect button to put in the center! This is a vintage button from Lisa… Isn’t it perfect?

this is the front of the flower

the is the back of the flower

I gave this one to Jessica. She was wearing a differnt knitted flower on Monday, so I thought, she needed one that I made. Let me tell you, this one was hard to give away. And, for the first time, I put a saftey pin on the back so she could actually wear it! Yummy!

Maybe you want one? Send me an email… I bet I could hook a sister up. smile


  1. Your Secret Pal says

    Hello, SP-
    Get ready to be spoooooooooooooooiled.  Wahooo, I love this secret pal game.  Let the adventure begin.

  2. I’d like to know how you made it!