Knitting for baby Gerbracht

Over the weekend I finished my first baby sweater…  Julian suggested that I make the hood.  You know, I kinda don’t like the hood, but it’s done.  It’s cute, but not as cute as the one with the collar.  It now needs about 5 buttons, and to be blocked.  While the collar sweater doesn’t really


to be blocked, the hood really needs blocking.  So, I’ll be buying a balloon, and seeing what i can do. 

So, here comes the next one, this time, all in green…  With a collar.  I’m really happy with the way the green one is coming out.  It’s going to be very pretty, and more unisex.  The first one, it really is girly.  I mean, look at it.  Pinks, purples and yellow!  It’s totally girly.  John said that it really doesn’t matter.  It kinda does, if we have a girly looking boy, people will call him a girl, and I’m sure that will bug him.

I’m still trying to decide if I’m feeling better.  I’m still not 100%.  At the last appointment, we just listened to the heartbeat, and talked a bunch about the amino.  I’m super scared about it, but it’s scheduled.  I know that John and I made a decision before we got pregnant, but now, I’m not so sure I feel the same.  I’m worried about making decisions at 20 weeks, and that is where I will be.  Let’s just hope that the baby is healthy.  That’s really all I can ask for, isn’t it.

Pictures of a baby bootie are still to come.


  1. I had an amnio oh…24 years ago.  I remember being super nervous but it really was an easy procedure.  Totally surprised me that it really didn’t hurt at all.  Hopefully you’ll have the same experience.

    The sweater is really cute, but I agree it looks like a girl and not for a boy.

    Good luck!

  2. I think it’s normal to be nervous… We’ve started discussing having a baby and we are both super scared of the thought!