Rolling over!

Now for the most important thing…  Sean.

Sean rolled from his tummy to his back last night, with everyone in the family watching!  I couldn’t believe it.  He hasn’t been reaching for things, he hates being on his tummy (unless he is sleeping) and so, I thought he isn’t even close to rolling over.  But he did it!  I’m so proud.  He has been eating his bib and drooling quite a bit…  He is super cute. 

I think tomorrow we will be going to the mall and trying to get his picture taken.  I wanted to do that on Friday, but I couldn’t walk.  One week late for his 3 month portrait isn’t too late, is it?


  1. Zsuzsanna says

    You know, baby’s are funny in the way they choose to start doing things. A friend of mine’s son refused to even crawl until he was early one, when he got up and started walking!

    Do post some pictures, so we can all see how super-cute he is grin