Archives for February 18, 2003

go go gigglechick

i've been following the ups and downs of gigglechick as of late. it's kinda addicting to read her journal. now, i wish i hadn't broken mine down into 2. other people talk about what is going on in their lives. she is just better at keeping the names secret i guess. i always figured that no one was reading this anyway, so who cares. i think that lots of people read her journal. … [Read more...]

joe who? not millionaire…

i was one of the millions to watch joe millionaire last night. i was sure he was going to pick sarah, but he surprised me... he picked the shy, broke one, zora. i'm not quite sure what women are coming to these days... i mean, i want a boy in my life as much as anyone else, but going on national tv, and getting dumped by a man who has been lying to you? i don't think that i would want to be in that situation. besides, evan really isn't my type. i much prefer the look of a very young mike … [Read more...]