Archives for May 19, 2004


recycle day is every other wednesday in my neighborhood. today happens to be recycle day. i was good this week, i put my bins out last night. i thought it would be helpful, as far as time goes. pre-rocker there were 2 liter bottles in my bin. now, it is filled with cans. six weeks ago, i came out of the house to find this man digging through my bin, fishing out the cans. i told him 'NO', and he rode his bike away. four weeks ago, he didn't visit my house, but i saw him riding around. … [Read more...]

the web monkey falls of my back…

RIP webmonkey... thank you for teaching me the beauty/non-beauty of frames. thank you for your relentless coverage of new web technologies. thank you for those everso helpful and funny monkey bites. thank you for helping me to not feel stupid when i didn't know the answer to that random html question. i'll miss you. *** update *** now i know i've been out of touch for the past 9 months. i'm sure i've visited this site 10's of times since february... and i just realized this now. god, … [Read more...]