It never seems like we are gone long enough. Lately we have been taking mini breaks. A long weekend here, 5 days off there. Never a week at the same time. I so need a week. This time it was 4 days, 3 days at Disneyland and 1 day at home, just being at home. Sean really seems to need that. The skinny on the trip… 3 times on Star Tours. 2 times on Little Mermaid. 3 times on Astro Blasters. 1 time: It’s A Small World, Autopia, … [Read more...]
98% done!
On Saturday, my kitchen got doors. I can’t tell you how nice my kitchen is. Really, I can’t. I have yet to have an opportunity to work in it. Between my different classes, and mini personal life, I’ve barely been home to spend any time in it. My mom tells me that it is lovely. There is so much counter space that it’s hard to chose where to work. It’s very zen in there, except for the can lights. They make the whole … [Read more...]
We are at the 1/2 way point!
Just incase you were interested in the progress in the kitchen… This was the view on Monday. There have been some minor changes since then, only for the better… Like the moved the gas line into one of the cabinets, and they moved the plug for the range hood so it would be hidden by the chimney. Other than that, no changes. Tonight the first big change comes… The flooring is being installed today. By next week, everything should be ready to … [Read more...]
New chair for the house!
About six weeks ago, I decided I needed another chair for my living room. I started watching eBay religiously. I bid on several, including one that matched my set (ok so it was a whole new couch, but it was a sectional). Finally, two weeks ago I found a chair, in my price range, that became mine! It arrived by Greyhound bus on Friday. I picked it up on Saturday, and immediately took it to be restored. I've got left over fabric from when I refinished my set, so it's going to look like it … [Read more...]
Why do you only need a plumber after 8 on Sunday night?
Yesterday, my main sewer drain had a bad day. It started with some laundry, then it had all the icky things from the fridge put down it, then the dishwasher... Not to mention all the flushing and hand wasing that went on. Next thing I know, my mom is asking me for the plunger. I go to get it out of my bathroom, and guess what I've got? 3 inches of kitchen water and waste in my shower. Let me tell you, it really was lovely. And totally disgusting. After much deliberation, Mom and I … [Read more...]
You’ve gotta have art…
You know that I've been spending cash on the house like mad. Seriously. It's been insane. This is one of the latest purchases. A sculpture I purchased on eBay over the weekend. Don't you think it's yummy? I've given you a view of the width of the fireplace so you can kinda tell how big it is. … [Read more...]
Why can’t I light my own pilot light?
I realized that my pilot light had gone out last night. I turned the heater up to 74 and nothing happened. I was really upset. I was cold. I hate being cold. I'm cold all day at work, the last thing I want is to be cold at home. I called PG&E, and the first appointment they had was on November 4. You know how bad that is? My mom comes home on the 1st for a week. She hates being cold more than I do. So, I did the only thing I could think of... I went over and asked my neighbour if he … [Read more...]
i'm feeling utterly anti-social. i just want to stay home and watch bb5 feeds. hmm... could it be that i worked too hard today? i mean really, i worked out for 30 minutes this am, walked at lunch for 45 minutes, and had yoga class tonight. i think maybe i'm just exausted. … [Read more...]
why does it make your pee smell? it's so weird. i've always wondered... does anyone know? … [Read more...]
helping out a neighbour
daisy and i walk alot. we walk 3 times a day, sometimes 4. we never walk far, but we always go out. most of the people who live in my "complex" know me... more importantly, they know daisy. daisy and i know most of the "dog" people. i know all the dog's names and such. on our walks, we often see the neighbours that live across the greenbelt from us. they don't have a dog, but really like daisy. they give her cookies. lots of cookies. about three weeks ago, i found out that the mom of … [Read more...]
Look who’s talking…