Back to Abbey LOAD! Today we are looking at the album Meet the Beatles, specifically “I Want to Hold Your Hand.” Story: Story about hands… holding hands, aging hands, helping hands, little hands… Technique: Blue/shadows inspired by album cover. Yep. I’ve got this.
Well, I thought I had it. John really enjoys taking pictures of Sean and I holding hands. I’ve scrapped one before, it was at Christmas in the Park, years ago. Then I was like, no. No. I don’t want to do that. So I opened Photos and started looking. It wasn’t long until I found the pictures from Pittsburgh. And there it was. The picture of my 3rd great-grandmothers signature. Her hand. It was perfect.
Honestly, I was really lucky to have it. I went to the court house looking to find some wills, and find out what happened to the property my 2nd great grandmother once lived in. 49 Carson Street, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. When they pulled out Jacob Young’s will, it was 6 inches thick. Granted, the papers were tri-folded. Some of them had gotten wet. Some of them were very hard to read. This will was started in 1879. It was in probate for YEARS. Three wives, three sets of kids. My 3rd great-grandmother was the last, and youngest wife. She had the youngest children. Three of them. Anne, her oldest, was my 2nd great-grandmother, born in 1869. There is another really fun story about the will. But, that is for another day.
So, one of the things that happened in the will was everyone had to sign that this is how things were going to end. They were going to sell the property. Everyone had to agree. Now, my 2nd great-grandmother and her siblings were too young to sign and they had a guardian sign for them, not my 3rd great-grandmother. On the back of the document, plain as day, was Rosalina Jung’s signature. In all it’s German glory. It brings me such joy. It also brings me right back to the prompt. I want to hold your hand.

I don’t know what it is about making pages relating to old stuff, but it brings me right to kraft paper, but it does. Every time. I decided to use a photo of the court house, because well, it’s beautiful! Then, I decided to add the signature of the children/spouses. Yes, the HUSBANDS had a vested interest. That kinda pissed me off. Different time, different time. Then I found that right here right now paper, and that was it. I started cutting out the viewfinder cartridges, found my wood veneer cameras, and went to town with my brads. I’m really, really happy with how it turned out, and I only used scraps again!
So, I hope you found someone to hold hands with today. I held Johns hand. Sean wasn’t so interested today. He was playing Fortnite.
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