One of my favorite parts of LOAD is signing up to be a guest designer. I love getting the prompt early, taking my time, thinking hard, and really making a special LO. I do things I don’t normally do. This time was no different.
Abbey LOAD Day 4: I Saw Her Standing There. Story: Tell the story of an original vs. a reproduction/copy. Technique: Scraplift a layout!
I must tell you that the email I got included the script that Alice was going to use for that video. She referenced Tiffany singing “I Saw Him Standing There.” John and I were like what?!? We listened. We were APPALLED. We regret listening to Tiffany singing that song. You can never unhear that. Don’t go find it. Seriously. Don’t. It’s that bad.
Here’s my text:
Let me start with I would have picked “Blackbird” for the redo song. Just because I really love how Sarah McLachlan sang the song when she covered it. Or, you know, the entire “i am sam” soundtrack, so good. My husband and I just shook our heads at Tiffany. Sigh.
However, this prompt is one that I’ve done many a time. Thinking about a way to go with it wasn’t easy. So, I thought about the Beatles, and how they’ve been a part of my life for a very long time. And I thought about my son, singing “All you need is Love” as he walks around the house. There it was. My story.
John took me to see The Beatles Love in Las Vegas when I was 7 months pregnant and feeling huge. It would be the last New Year’s Eve we would be spending alone. We decided to see Love at the last minute and got pretty decent seats. It was the most amazing show I had ever seen. I realized it was also Sean’s introduction to the Beatles. There was no way he didn’t hear it or feel all my emotions as I watched.
Almost 12 years later, we had this time share thing we had purchased and had to use. The closest place to go, Las Vegas. So, we booked a room over Thanksgiving. The first thing I said was, I wonder if we could afford to take Sean to Love. We looked at seats and decided it just wasn’t in the budget. 5 minutes later, there was an email to John from the MGM Grand with an advertisement for 30% off of seats. We picked 3 seats and bought them. We didn’t tell Sean.
We kept the surprise until we got to the show. It took him a minute to get excited, but once the show started, he was quiet as could be, wide eyed, and enjoying every minute. He couldn’t stop talking about how awesome it was. It was an incredible redo. I cried both times, so happy I could share this with him… Twice.

I decided to do both prompts this time. I used a LO from 2015 by Annelie Maddock for Cocoa Vanilla Studio. Only, I really wanted to use the guitar pick shape as I purchased these really cool Beatles guitar picks to use ephemera. I’m so pleased with how it came out. I even played homage to “All you need is Love,” you just have to look for it.
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