I find it interesting that I’m still not taking the time to put up the two layouts I didn’t post. Yeah, I don’t like them that much.
Anyway, today, I made bread. I’ve not done that in a month. Well, I take that back. I’ve not made white bread rolls in a month. It went so easy. The first rise was super quick, but the second rise took longer than expected. Oh well. It’s warm here. I’m sure that has everything to do with it. I also made corn fritters. Hmm. They needed more seasoning, and they needed more cheese. I couldn’t taste the cheese, and what’s the point of that.
John took a long bike ride. Math was cancelled, so it was just a quiet day.
Abbey LOAD Day 22 – Yellow Submarine (song/movie)
Story: scrapbook a story about friends… what do you do with your friends?
Technique: Use yellow!
Well, I wanted to scrapbook about my 50th birthday party and going to La Fondue. We had such a fun night. It was wonderful to get out and just enjoy each others company. That’s what I like to do with my friends. Go someplace where we can talk.
However, I couldn’t find a picture. I know! I think I let Tina and Jenny take pictures on their cameras. If there was a copy sent to me, I don’t have it. So, I had printed out these pictures of my sister and I taken around 1999 – 2000. I’ve got some pictures of when we went to DisneyWorld, and some from a trip we took when she left her then husband. It’s a long story. And honestly, I’m not going to tell it now. Hell, I might have talked about it at the time. I was blogging then. Who knows.
But, what I wanted to say really was, I don’t regret we were friends. And we were best friends. We really were. It came to an end. It really doesn’t matter why anymore. And, I can’t see it ever being fixed. So there’s that. But we were friends. I want Sean to know that. So, that’s what I did. We were whale watching. It was a fun time.

I continued on my trend of using newish paper, and making more scraps. I used a little yellow scrap, but that’s it. I thought the paper really fit. I tried to make the pictures on the left, but it just didn’t work. On the right, everything just flowed.
I hope you can find the pictures of your friends today.
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