Today was another day of getting frustrated. I am so frustrated with teachers right now. I’m sure they are doing their best, trying their hardest… And yet, I don’t see it. I see teachers at our district not put anything but an assignment in a Google classroom and walk away. No class meetings, no Zoom meetings, no WebEx meetings. Nothing. Then I get an email from one teacher saying if Sean isn’t going to try harder to do those assignments maybe he shouldn’t be in my class next year. Sigh.
I put on my big girl panties and apologized for not being a better parent. For not forcing Sean to work harder. Told him that I was disappointed about Sean’s grade (B) in his class. I understood that that grade meant he tried. That’s it. I also told him that if he didn’t want Sean in his class, that was a conversation that he and the principal needed to have with Sean. I wasn’t going to tell Sean about that, nor should such a conversation happen over email. If he still wasn’t performing during 7th grade, then don’t allow him to take the 8th grade class.
I also told the teacher that this was hard on everyone, and not only did I have to nag about his class, I had to nag about the poop being picked up, and the dishes being done, as well as all Sean’s other classes. I then told him that Sean needed face time. He needed to be in his presence. Sean likes him, and misses him. And that Sean is disappointed in the teacher too.
What else am I supposed to say? You don’t want my kid in your class because he doesn’t follow written instructions? I can’t help you. I’ve read the instructions to him. He didn’t listen. He didn’t want a tree on his assignment. He’s an artist, he took artistic license. However, he put as much effort into the assignment as the teacher did. Not much. You couldn’t even find a video to post. Hey teacher, you call him out on it. Pick up the phone and call him out on it.
Then, the icing on the cake. The speech teacher sends Sean an “assignment” about idioms at 5:30pm. It’s a screen shot of a web page about idioms. I cried. Literally, tears fell from my eyes. This is the first time I’ve heard from this “teacher” since we went out. That was March 13. We have 6 days of school left. 6. She now has credit for having an intervention with Sean. This whole damn thing makes me sick. SICK.
But, I made a BEAUTIFUL layout.
Abbey LOAD Day 27: John Lennon, Imagine (song)
Story: Imagine is a song of positivity and hope. What are you doing to improve yourself and the world around you? Scrapbook a page about it.
Technique: Use clouds/thought bubbles to symbolize imagination and dreams.
Ok, screw the prompt. I found this picture of my boys taken in February. I was on Prednisone, and really out of it. I had a DAR District meeting in Monterrey and couldn’t drive. The boys drove me to the meeting, and spent the time going paddle boating and renting bikes. They never do this stuff when I’m around. Drives me crazy. I want to do those things. So, I’m going to work on doing those fun things. Albeit with 3 it is more difficult.

I really liked this background paper, it reminded me of clouds. It’s Skipping Stone by One Little Bird for Studio Calico. I put my picture on it and fell in love. Then my picture put black ink all over it (because my printer is cheap and drops ink all the time). So the paper is upside down, it looks more like a banner than it does clouds. Oh well. Then I found that lined cloud, which is actually a thought bubble. Perfect! Fits the cloud bubble thing. Then I found these really old Basic Grey flags, and hot damn, we are cooking with gas! I found the fringy banner, it worked… Then it needed something. I found this Glitz Wild & Free paper, and it was “picture perfect.” Some extra clouds, a Jillibean Soup Love, and the Freckled Fawn picture perfect just about finished it off. I felt like I needed a bit more yellow, so I added the yellow butterflies. Hot damn. Done by 10.
Are you having a picture perfect day?
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