Archives for March 21, 2003

daisy, SPEAK!

i have been trying to teach daisy to "speak", using food. so she will cry, if there is food around and she wants some. yes, i know this is very stupid. extreemely stupid. but now, some guy in japan has invented this device that will allow you to hear what your dog is thinking. can you imagine? this device translates dog barks into human language... now, i don't know if this will help me get into daisy's brain or not. she is just not a very verbal dog. but jazz, mar's dog is very verbal. … [Read more...]


this morning i was getting ready for work, and i started to sneeze. i'm sure something is in bloom. anyway, i said to myself, wait, don't put on your mascara until after the teary eyes stop. so, here i am at work... no mascara. see one of the "problems" of being a natural blond type is that your eyelashes are blond too... so no one can see my beautifly long eyelashes... i feel so naked. i might have to stop at the store and get some at lunch. i feel so vain right now. who cares about … [Read more...]