Archives for December 2003

christmas cards

go out today! go gwen, go gwen! … [Read more...]

christmas alert!

15 days and counting... cd covers and labels are printed, and the folding is 1/2 done. the tree is up, and i'm done shopping. and only one knitting project to finish. i'm feeling good! and the boy stopped by last night to drop off my jacket... i'm so smitten it's disgusting. smiles abound! … [Read more...]

miserable failure

is it true? it must be true... type miserable failure into, press "i'm feeling lucky" and witness the intelligence of the search engine. you know, it really is true of our president. … [Read more...]

the average “beautiful” girl

let me preface this by saying that i didn't watch all the average joe's, just some of them. the more i watched, the more i thought... hey maybe this girl isn't just another one of those pretty girls that makes the rest of us look bad. when they put her in the "fat" suit, i was thinking, maybe she can see how superficial she is... i thought it had worked. let me just say, i was wrong. this uber romantic boy, with a good heart and a smile that lights up the room, was let go why? because … [Read more...]

happy monday

i'm dying to spill about my weekend with the boy, but i'd really like to give it the time to do the story justice. i don't know if that is going to happen before i go home tonight. i hope it does, but i just don't think so. work is finally starting to be busy. THANK GOD. i'd been so tired of coming to work and doing nothing. now, i've got little projects, and a launch on the way. YEAH WORK! anyway, watch for some boy comments later on tonight. i've got a ton to say. … [Read more...]

friday five…  gwen style!

1. what would you like most for christmas? i'd really like a tivo. that would be uber cool. but what i'd really like is for the powers that be to find a cure for rhumitoid arthritis... and a way to undo all the harm it does to the joints. 2. how important is giving at this time of year? i think that giving is important at all times of the year. but i think that at christmas time it is so important to remember how lucky we really are, and share that with others who are less fortunate. i … [Read more...]

again, no friday five…

so today, while i was waiting for my global deletes to finish, i was going to do the friday five. but there is no friday five. hmph. does this mean i have to ask myself my own questions? i think maybe. 1. what would you like most for christmas? 2. how important is giving at this time of year? 3. how much have you donated to charity this year? 4. what is your favorite charitable organization? 5. when you see a salvation army bell ringer, do you give? why/why not? ok, so i've … [Read more...]

global replace with regular expressions

don't you just love regular expressions? i know i do! it took me most of the morning to figure out what regular expression i wanted to use to delete the icky microsoft style sheet calls out of my statistical reports, but i've figured it out now. clean reports here i come! go gwen, go gwen! … [Read more...]

christmas cd is done!

want a copy? figure out how to send me an email! … [Read more...]


so today someone did a google search on my site looking for the word marriage. HMPH. we all know i'm not married. HELLO? did i miss something here? have i even been talking about marriage recently? i don't think so... so, just so there is no doubt. i'm not married. i've never been married. i have no kids. i have a loser dog named daisy who likes to have her butt itched (i'm begining to think it may be doggie orgasmatic but that's beside the point). and on top of it all, i've gained … [Read more...]