why is work always like high school?

for the first 2 months or so that i was at sjsu, i just adored it. i so missed working and i really liked the people. i felt like i was really starting to fit in someplace. then winter session hit. i had a blast. i worked everyday, i had lunch with the group almost every day, and i had my carpool. i felt such a part of this wonderful team.

i don’t feel that way anymore. i feel like high school. like it is a popularity contest. since i’ve never been a “popular” person, it has never occured to me to try and get into the race. i haven’t had a lunch date with the group since february. yes, the beginning of february. i ask, don’t get me wrong, but i’ve not had a yes answer once. now, it is starting to affect how we handle internal customers.

you know, i want to be a part of a well oiled machine. a team who enjoys each others company, and works well together. sometimes we are individual contributors, sometimes we all bring our efforts together for the good of the department. but, these people don’t seem to know what a team is. and it appears that i am to be the person to “make the team”. i’m just not sure how to do it.

so, tuesday (monday is cesar chavez day and a holiday at sjsu), i begin my new project, operation teamwork. i’m going to call a meeting of the three of us, to discuss report requests. how we should handle them, and then develop a process to ensure that the reports are generated in a timely and professional manner. can you say, i’m going to kick some high school butt?

if you have any good ideas on how to help me get through this meeting, please, please let me know… just leave a comment!