I'm still keeping pretty silent on social media. The school district said that testing and contact tracing in place before the kids can go back to school. I don't know of many parents that are going to go for that. I don't mind the contact tracing, but the testing... It's not a comfortable thing. I'm just not sure. I'm sure that the contact tracing is going to be a problem for most. I made dinner at lunch time today. I like it better that way actually. I'd rather snack at dinner. … [Read more...]
LOAD520 – Day 25
It's hard to believe that 25 days have passed. I'm surprised that I'm still going. February I got sick and just stopped. I don't know what happened with October. May seems to be my month to finish. It was an interesting day. We just stayed around the house. Sean worked on school work, as he owes us 2 days. Now, he only owes us one. There is so much work to complete. I'm just utterly confused how it's all going to get done. I seeded 8 cups of cherries, made ham and cheese frittata, … [Read more...]
Look who’s talking…