Academy Awards…

So, I’m watching the Awards, doing homework and eating dinner. Then, the commercials started. So, the first weird one was Pepsi. Spartacus? What? Is this a new commercial? I just couldn’t believe how absolutely stupid it was. I thought it was stupid when Budweiser used old movie footage to make a commercial. But to think that Spartacus would really want a Pepsi? Hello? What? I think I’m getting old.

Then there was the McDonalds commerical. This commercial shows two Chinese girls sharing things over their lifetime. Then they get to adulthood, go to McDonalds and one of them won’t share her fries. How fricking stupid can McDonalds be? I just can’t believe their ad agency thought that one would work. Yeah, the fries are good. But, they are so good that people don’t share? Not. And, I have a problem with the whole point that it was women featured in the commercial. Yes, I’m sure life for women in China isn’t quite as difficult as has been reported. But then, I’m not so sure. Either way, that commercial was so not believable.

And, while I’m venting. What the hell is up with Renee Zellweger? That woman looks like death warmed over. She is so thin. Not thin pretty either. The dress she was wearing only accentuated how thin she is. Her dark hair doesn’t help things either. Oh my. How bad must it be in Hollywood that Renee thinks she must look like this. I like her as an actress. I thought she was looked perfect in the first Bridget Jones movie. The second Bridget Jones movie, she looked like she gained weight for the movies. I don’t know what is wrong with our body images as women that we feel that we can’t just be ourselves.

Just saw the Budweiser commercial with the horses and snow. That was cute.


  1. Not only did Renee LOOK horrible, how painful was it to watch her walk out on stage to present that award and she could barely put one foot in front of the other in that mermaid dress. I couldn’t tell if she was walking in slow motion because of the dress or because she was on something or just plain food depreived. Glad I’m not the only one who thought something was a bit off there.

  2. HAHAHA!! I just blogged about her (renee)

    She’s horrible!!  Seriously… I feel like a cover model after looking at her.  Who is her stylist?/?