I’m still pregnant.

It’s weird today.  I don’t feel well, but I can’t really put my finger on it.  John really didn’t want to leave this morning, and both animals are following me around.  Maybe they know something I don’t.

Fridays appointment had me one centimeter dilated, but a floating baby head and tilted cervix.  What does that mean?  The doctor doesn’t think it will be this week.  However, he did say that we are looking at a 9.5 pound baby.  We will be taking measurements on Friday, if I’m still pregnant.

The baby’s room is close to being done, minus a crib mattress, and honestly, there are baby things in every room in the house.  My bag is still not packed.  I’m just not ready for this baby I guess.

I am really enjoying being at home, but I’m tired all the time.  I’ve been walking every day, at least trying.  I think I’m done being pregnant.


  1. Well this is exciting…

  2. Let the countdown begin! I was a 9.5 pound baby myself. Take care and rest up!

  3. I’m thinking of you and hope everything goes well!