Archives for August 2003

crapy day

so in the grand scheme of life, there are good days, and there are bad days. today was a bad day. it didn't start off that way... but as the day progressed, i was thinking, oh my god, can i just start this day again? i made three meals, went to the grocery store, walked mom twice, walked daisy 5 times, and did 3 loads of laundry... i fiddled around in illustrator, read a blog or two and made cookies. i think i might have even inadvertantly stepped on the rockers toes. finally, i called my … [Read more...]

mom is home

this week, i'm staying home from work. i really don't have that much work to do anyway, but, i need to be here. mom doesn't need much help. she really doesn't... there are just little reminders here and there. "mom are you standing up straight?" "mom, get your nose in the air!" "mom is your trunk straight?" "mom, are you standing up tall?" that is my life this week. i'm kinda glad. i need a break, and i just have to make meals, and take her for 3 walks a day. not a big deal. i do … [Read more...]

oh no!

i forgot to tell you that mom is doing fine! the doctor is very pleased with her progress! she may even get to come home tomorrow. she says she doesn't have a ton of pain, and she is actually resting at the hospital. maybe i'll be able to sleep better once she is home. … [Read more...]

the friday five

1. How much time do you spend online each day? between six to eight hours. i hate to admit it, but being a web developer, it is part of my job. that and i'm really bored at work. 2. What is your browser homepage set to? which one? ok, at home it is set up to show my logs. at work, it is the department site. 3. Do you use any instant messaging programs? If so, which one(s)? i use aol. i have yahoo, but i don't like it as well. i've been known to have them both going at the same time. 4. … [Read more...]

scared and alone

at 5 o'clock this morning, i woke up and gave my mother a shower. it was very strange. i washed her back with this medicated sponge. it's weird how at some point in time in your relationship with your parents, your role changes from child to parent. i'm almost to that point. mom got ready to go, while i took care of daisy. i barely had time to brush my teeth and put some jeans on. i think i remembered to brush my hair. i didn't really care. she was nervous. i just wanted to figure out … [Read more...]

missey andrea tells a joke!

The buzz word in today's business world is MARKETING. However, most people often ask for a simple explanation of "Marketing." Here it is: You're a woman and you see a handsome guy at a party. You go up to him and say, "I'm fantastic in bed," -- That's Direct Marketing. You're at a party with a bunch of friends and see a handsome guy. One of your friends goes up to him and pointing at you says, "She's fantastic in bed," -- That's Advertising. You see a handsome guy at a party. You go … [Read more...]

ami & jimi’s wedding

so, the big joint wedding is this saturday. i've not bought my presents yet, i'm hoping missey andrea will help me out tonight. girls night out is always good for these things. i have picked the dress that i'm going to wear, FINALLY. it was a hard decision. i think i really wanted to buy a new one. but after a closer look at the pocket book, and knowing that i don't get paid again until august 31... so, i'm wearing this vintage dress i got a christmas time. i wore it to see deke, but i … [Read more...]

saturday with boo

mom and i took boo and hootie to the san jose jazz festival yesterday. hootie actually pushed the wheelchair (color me impressed)... i got to hold boos hand. that means that i got to play with boo almost the whole time. he was so bored. mom wouldn't let him bring his gameboy. i think he was a bit upset. but, as things worked out, there were 2 young boys sitting near us. they had brought chinese checkers and sorry. boo played games with these boys for 3 hours. it's just amazing that … [Read more...]

the friday five

1. What's the last place you traveled to, outside your own home state/country? washinton dc, for 6 days, with the mar and tire man show. highlight? visiting the pollock at the national gallery and finding the cockroach. 2. What's the most bizarre/unusual thing that's ever happened to you while traveling? the cow traffic jam. traveling out of dingle on the N-86, which is a minor road, we are traveling along, minding our own business, and out on the road ahead is a huge heard of cows. there … [Read more...]

sunday with dad

it seems that everyone in the family has decided that i am the "caregiver". when mike had his stroke, he came to my house for me to take care of him. ok, well mom was supposed to do it, but i did it. mom is coming home to have her surgery, where i will be her caregiver. i keep asking her if she has asked for mars assistance. her stock answer is, "if i need help i'll pay someone to do it". ok, yeah right. mom pay for someone to take care of her. yeah, like that is going to happen. mom … [Read more...]