Archives for 2004

R.E.M. for the seventh time 10/15 Greek Theatre, Berkeley

For those of you who know me, I am a devoted R.E.M. fan. I used to be a collector, but that ended with an ex a long time ago. Besides, who can keep up with all that crap. I got my R.E.M. seats this time, like I did last time, from the fan club. This time, I was in row 8, seats 13/14 (on the outside isle). I was a bit worried about who was going with me. Two weeks before the show I still hadn't secured a guest. THANK GOD FOR COUSIN CINDY. The godess said she would love to go. The plan … [Read more...]

That picture thing, Revealed continued…

Grace would like to see: The view from your living room window, your bedroom and where you do laundry. Zoot suggests: 1) Daisy in a halloween costume 2) your favorite coffee cup 3) The place you sit while you blog … [Read more...]

That picture thing, Revealed, continued…

Lori commented: Oh turn! Well, naturally I'm going to have to see the Big Toe on your left foot now. You can even adobe on some fake nail polish if you like I'd like to see where Daisy Sleeps and the space where you store all of your knitting supplies, yarns, etc. I admit it, Daisy sleeps in bed with me. It has been a problem in the past. Certain ex boyfriends have not understood it, or even liked it. At that point, Daisy sleeps on blankets on the floor. I have bought her … [Read more...]

That picture thing, Revealed, continued…

Lushy asked: I would like to see your favorite piece of decor in your home. Susanna said: Once you promised me a picture of your VW beatle... And I want a video of daisy, if your camera can take a video I've just seen the videos on lori's site, so I got inspired! For the third one, can I please see your favourite handbag? I know, this is a very silly one! My favorite piece of decor? That is super easy! It's my Heywood Wakefield record cabinet. It actually holds all the vinyl records that … [Read more...]

That picture thing…  Revealed

Because The Hippie commented first, I'm starting with her requests. The Hippie would like to see: the most comfortable spot in my house. This is it. It is my sofa. Miss Nikki says my sofa is evil. It sucks you in and makes you want to sleep. It's the truth. It's also been the place where I've been sleeping my days away with my stomach flu. I've taken one of the back cushions off because when I'm sick I don't like the back cushions. You see my favorite warm blanket also on my couch, as … [Read more...]

So, let me tell you about stomach flu!

Did you know that when you get stomach flu you can't eat? You don't really even want to eat. It's quite interesting. I've not eaten much but soup, crackers and mini bagels since Saturday. I'm guessing I've had all of 1500 calories since then. It's only that much because i'm drinking sport drinks that have calories associated with them. On Monday, I had my annual. My doctor said, "Are you sure you want to do this?" My reply was, "Do you know how long it takes to get into see you?" I had … [Read more...]

stomach flu

i've had stomach flu since sunday. it made house hunting very difficult, but i did it. yesterday was hell, and my fever broke about 6:30 last night. i'm still exausted, and i can even keep crackers in, but i'm feeling a bit better. i'll be home again today. i hope you are feeling a lot better than i am. … [Read more...]

More CDX with Lisa!

Ms. Lisa and I have very simular tastes in music so I'm always excited to see what she comes up with for CDX. This time I've heard that MFZ did not help Ms. Lisa with her cover. She did the art work by herself. I really like it. The skull has a piece of sheet music inside. It's very cleaver. The cd label matches the cover (my favorite way to do things), and the back cover is just plain with text. I like it. Now the music Ms. Lisa used is awesome. Most I haven't heard before, but I've … [Read more...]

Christmas music

I've done the unthinkable... I've purchased 4 cd's of Christmas music. You know, it really wasn't my fault. Mr. Tucker did it. I sent him a harmless email about picking a cd burner up at Fry's for me. He writes back about Christmas music. Now, I've been looking at Christmas music for a few weeks. I even decided to get some free from BMG. But after this banter about what I have, I went on Amazon and purchased 4 cds. I know, it is absolutely wrong, it really is. Granted, they are all … [Read more...]

That picture thing.

Well, everyone is doing it, and after seeing lori's picture of her big toe, I have to do it too. Think of 3 pictures you'd like to see. Things around my house, a pic of me, Daisy, you know, whatever. It can be totally random. A Picture of my sock drawer, something very small that has no dollar value but may be extemely sentimental to me, or something totally random. I will do my best to accomodate you. If I don't want to take a picture of it, you will know! Just so we are clear, Grace, Mac … [Read more...]