I’m so excited! My secret pal sent my March package yesterday. I LOVE my secret pal. LOVE her. She is the bestest secret pal EVER!
I have been having a hard time reading the person I’ve been sending things to. I sent out her package yesterday, as well. I really hope she likes it. She is out of the US. Boy howdy, I didn’t think I would mind sending something out of the country, but it’s starting to get pricey. It costs $20 just to mail her packages. Next time, I’m going to ask for a US secret pal. It seems a shame to waste all that money on postage when she could have a MUCH better gift. However, I’ve been ignoring the postage cost. I think that is only fair. She would get an empty box if I didn’t. God, that would suck.
I was thinking that I should have taken pictures of what I sent, just so I would remember. Actually, some of the things, I wish I had bought two of, just because I really liked it. Oh well. She took pictures. I’ll download them.
I think I want to do another secret pal thing too. I’m having so much fun with it. I really am. Ok, except for worrying my pal isn’t going to like what I bought. I need to get over that.
Now I’m jealous… Guess I’m not a secret pal though, but a public one! I’d love to see the things you sent her… If you email me the web adress I promise I’ll keep it a secret