Archives for November 2007

Secret Pal Reveal Box ARRIVED!

Lookie how I got to spend my evening last night!  I got my last SP11 box from Melissa.  I swear that Melissa is a much better shopper than I.  She said she didn’t go over the limit.  I think she lies! This box started with lots of pink paper, which I love! I was too impatient to wait and take a picture of each item, so, here is the whole thing opened! I got 2 skeins of Plymouth Smile, in the prettiest fall colors.  Then there is a pattern for a purse to make … [Read more...]

Wedding Photos

I almost forgot…  Mark has some wedding photos for us to look at.  Enjoy. … [Read more...]

So, my 40th birthday is tomorrow.

This morning, I get the call that my dad is back in the hospital.  Apparently, my step-mother took him in last night, but I didn’t hear about it until this morning, when my Aunt Dee called me.  I might have been able to go see him last night, but today is a bit more difficult.  He has a fever, and from what I can gather, they are going to run a scope down is stomach again to see if they can see something else going on. Mom was unable to get the surgery time today, so next … [Read more...]

Yeah, well, it’s been another weekend…

I ended up taking Wednesday as a sick day.  I really didn’t want to use any of my sick time before the baby comes, but I was just exhausted.  I slept until 11:30.  I guess I needed it.  Then I went to Target with Jacob and my mom, and bought things for Thanksgiving and picked up prescriptions.  I came home and made a cherry pie and a pumpkin pie.  The baby really does not like making pie.  I needed to lean against the counter to roll out the dough, and … [Read more...]

It’s been, well, a weekend

It’s a good thing that my Secret Pal (Hey Melissa!) sent me a box last week, because I really needed to re-look at everything by Saturday night. I got to work on Friday, got my oatmeal, and set it on my desk when my phone started ringing…  It was my sister.  My mom dislocated her hip, again.  This time she was picking up something she had dropped.  I had a presentation at 10, so I called my mom to ask her if she needed me right away, or if I could do my … [Read more...]

So much to talk about!

On Saturday, mom, John and I went to Watsonville to my cousin Angie’s baby shower.  She is due in December, sometime.  The doctor keeps changing her date on her.  I gave her the elaine hooded sweater that I made last month.  It’s super cute, and of all my baby projects, it’s actually finished.  She adored it, thank god.  I was a bit worried.  My dad was also at the shower, but he really isn’t well.  Apparently, he is having … [Read more...]

Do you really need a title?

So, I’ve been working on the Linen stitch scarf that I got in Seattle.  It’s absolutely beautiful.  I’ll take a picture when I’ve done the cast-off later tonight.  I’ve decided that I’m going to make another one with the orange that I got in Vancouver.  I’ll be looking for compliments to it tonight at knitting meetup. I’ve been a tad bit depressed lately.  The baby really does make you think about things that you … [Read more...]

The 1:00 am War

Last night the cat seemed very intent on sleeping in the bed with John and I.  She hopped in early, and went to sleep in between us.  Daisy, of course was at our feet, snoring away.  At 1:00 am, I hear Daisy, trying to jump in the bed.  Who knows how long she had been trying, but I heard John say, “you can do it!” and up jumped Daisy, happy as can be to go back to sleep.  I have no idea what she was doing, or where she had been, but it is very weird for her … [Read more...]