Oh yeah?

I never talk about what people are searching for in regards to my site. But for the past two days someone is looking for

gwen michael daisydo

Yes, he has been mentioned a few times over the past two years. I did find 3 bicentennial quarters once (in one day), but I didn’t mention his name. I did mention that I found a naked picture of him while packing, and purged it (along with all the bank records from that time in my life). i talked about a bad experience with frogs, who got me into web stuff, and my dislike of the constellation orion.

That’s it. There really isn’t much more. He was a part of my life a LONG time ago, and I have no ill-will towards him or our relationship at the time.

Just so we are clear… No, I’m not pining for him. The Rocker yes, Michael no. But, Rocker, you know what needs to happen for that to change, so don’t start emailing me again. The new guy can call or email. SB, don’t bother. MM, it would be cool to hear from you, but not really healthy for either one of us.

Now that I’m done being full of myself, if Michael is checking in, leave a comment, say hi. I don’t bite… unless asked.


  1. Damn you sound like me girl!