Tuesdays Bliss

one days hospital visit work on a cable scarfToday, my bliss is that my mom came out of surgery without complication. Every time she goes under the knife, I thik she won’t be back. I’m lucky that she does everytime.

I also learned that I can knit most of a cable scarf in a day. Who would have thunk it. Who knows where my camera is again… Wait there is no bliss in losing misplacing your camera yet again. found it! smile and believe it or not, but that yarn is so lavendar in person. It’s really not pink. Bought the yarn on Vancouver Island in Victoria last summer. I finally found a project worthy of it’s beauty. I only wish I had bought three skeins instead of two.

Anyway, it was an exausting day, but filled with bliss.


  1. Yay for Mom!  I hope she’s feeling well.

    I LOVE the scarf!  One of these days, I WILL learn to knit.

  2. Hi!

    I am so glad your mom is doing OK! smile I was thinking of you two yesterday. Hope she will recover ok today and that I can talk with you soon smile

  3. That looks great!!!

  4. The patters looks so pretty!