I knit this sweater (from a pattern that my SP11 sent me) (Hi Melissa!), it’s Mikey Liked It. I thought I would take some pictures of things I have finished for him to wear… I forgot to take pictures when he could actually wear them. So the first picture is this cute sweater, and matching hat. I’m so sad about this hat. I remember him sleeping in it when he first came home from the hospital. I had a hard time keeping it out of his eyes. Now, … [Read more...]
Archives for June 2008
The best day was Yesterday…
My son kissed me for the first time yesterday. I have no idea if he knew what he was doing, but it made my day. Opened mouth, lots of drool, but what a moment. I cried. … [Read more...]
SP 12 - Question of the Week 2
As a kid, what did you look forward to most about summer vacation/break/holiday? We went camping every summer, and I don’t have many memories of that… But I do remember going to Girl Scout Camp the summer after I turned 12, I was really awkward at 12… I was chubby and didn’t care much about hair/make-up and clothes. Mom sent me to The Timbers to sailing camp. I was the youngest girl in the group of 9 girls who were sailing. We had 2 tents … [Read more...]
Thank you!
For your good thoughts about my mom. Things are getting better, and I hope that she is healing. I help change her bandages twice a day, and the redness seems to be getting better. I’d take a picture, but, it’s pretty gross. … [Read more...]
SP12 - Question of the Week
What is your favorite summer-time drink? I’m really into Kool-aid right now… Fruit Punch is my favorite. … [Read more...]
Bad Day
Ok, so today sucked. And it had nothing to do with Sean. Today, I decided to move the family room around so that we would have more floor space for Sean to play on. Mom was sitting in a chair watching… I moved one of our glass topped tables, the glass slipped from the table and tore a very large piece of skin off of her left leg (at her shin), down to the muscle. I panicked. Mom remained calm. I called a neighbour to help take care of Sean, and took mom to … [Read more...]
Rolling over!
Now for the most important thing… Sean. Sean rolled from his tummy to his back last night, with everyone in the family watching! I couldn’t believe it. He hasn’t been reaching for things, he hates being on his tummy (unless he is sleeping) and so, I thought he isn’t even close to rolling over. But he did it! I’m so proud. He has been eating his bib and drooling quite a bit… He is super cute. I think tomorrow … [Read more...]
Rotating joint pain…
There has been a bunch going on, so I’m going to put things in separate entries. I finally went to the doctor about my rotating joint pain. Not that I wanted too, but it got that bad. I’m looking back and I haven’t mentioned having rotating joint pain… Honestly, I’m trying to figure out when it started. I know it was at least a week before May 17. It moved from joint to joint, never going to the same one twice, ending with taking out … [Read more...]
Thank Dog!
All I can say is last week freaked me out. I so missed my laptop. I spent the early week trying to figure out if I was going to buy a new machine or get the old one fixed. I looked at ads, I asked for friends advise… Finally, I went out on Yelp, and they saved me. Yes, I found a place that fixes laptops to the component level. Can you believe it? AND they were 6 miles from my house. I drove over, dropped it off, and less than a week later, … [Read more...]
Look who’s talking…