I’m done. I want to move. I want to leave and go to a county that lets you out. I want out. I’m guessing we could sell the house. I’m sure we could buy a house. There is one, in Aromas. Unfortunately, it’s the wrong time to look at houses. It’s the wrong time to pull him from school. It’s just the wrong time. I’m just damn tired.
Abbey LOAD Day 16 – Strawberry Fields Forever (song)
Story: Scrapbook a page about how you connect with nature.
Technique: Use strawberries or fruit embellishment.
I had printed pictures of Ash Meadows National Wildlife Refuge earlier in the week, but couldn’t find the ephemera. So, I decided to use the pictures today. I printed out 2 additional pictures. Then I went to their website and printed out the map. Because, honestly, that’s what I really wanted anyway. I do love a map on a layout. This park is relatively small. But, you can’t really go more than 35 miles per hour because the roads are crap. Seriously crap.
The first stop was near the south entrance. There was a pokegym there. I was in that gym for over 100 days. That was fun. The second stop was the point of rocks. It was amazingly beautiful. The water is so clear and blue there. You could see the fish, but we didn’t take a picture of them. I think we had the wrong camera. But, it was so serene out there. I would go back. Stay for hours. Just enjoying the quiet and watching the fish.
The third stop was Devils Hole. Let me tell you, that is some kind of hole. It’s so far down, you can’t get anywhere near it. I do believe we were there at low tide as well. That didn’t help. It’s all fenced off, so you can’t really see anything anyway. The second Devils Hole, is covered by a big grate. Again, it’s just a big hole in the ground and you can’t see anything. But we went. That is good.
The fourth stop was the Visitor Center and Crystal Spring. The walk on the wood path to Crystal Spring was so beautiful The water, again, so blue, so clear. The desert all around you, yet here was this water. Just in the middle of it all. Death Valley is so close. This trip made us so very late getting home, but it was so worth it. I need to check and see if I scrapped about the trip home. I don’t think so. I need to.
At first, I was going to put this on black paper, think that the colors would pop. They didn’t. I cut the map so that it would fit with the pictures I had. Then, I poked holes in the map and the pictures and connected them to each other. I placed some Recollections puffy hearts that matched the embroidery floss at the corresponding location. Some fish from a very old Little Yellow Bicycle line, actually the sun I used yesterday came from the same place, rounded out this layout. It’s simple, but it tells the story.
John got me tea from Lisa’s Tea Treasures for lunch today. It’s what I wanted for Mother’s Day. It was a nice treat. Something different. When Jenny’s birthday comes around, I’m going to order tea for the both of us. Then video conference her from home and have tea and talk. If we are lucky we will be able to eat together at the same place. I don’t think it will happen. I don’t mind the sacrifice. I just wish that it didn’t make Sean so angry all the time.
I hope you have a memory about connecting with nature. I’d love to hear it.
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