John went to take the car to get it’s oil changed. Sean played Fortnite. I stared at these pictures from Memorial Day 2016 that have been on my desk for 5 days. I need to go to Costco and the grocery store. My three weeks of food in the freezer has dwindled to maybe 4… The stuff I really don’t want anyway.
Wednesday, I watched a Authentique Paper Facebook live where the crafter used “scraps” to make a subway tile background. I’ve been thinking about how to do this on the Memorial Day 2016 page I want to do. It’s no surprise that I have Authentique papers in red and blue. Very patriotic. They were on my desk to use on this project. I also had some PhotoPlay and some 2010 The Girls’ Paperie. They all “go.” I added some PhotoPlay stickers (one is missing here, it just needed something in the lower left) and now it’s done.
I’m pretty happy with the look of the “blocks.” But I really learned something doing it. It would have been much better if I had just stuck with reds. It really didn’t need the blue pieces. The Girls’ Paperie paper (the plaid) sticks out like a sore thumb. I’m also thinking the PhotoPlay floral isn’t working well either. If I had stuck with reds and reds with cream, it would have been more uniform. Not that I don’t like what I did… I just think I would have liked it better.

This was a nice day. We Dee was visiting, and she got to see dad. We got Slurpees for the ride over, as it was very hot. Sean and Dad spent time talking. About, I have no idea. I’m just glad he isn’t afraid of cemeteries. Lots of kids are. There were also fallen dogs there. Sean was very interested in them. I’m really happy that this worked the way I wanted.
I think I need to print out the next 2016 story and put the pictures on the desk. It really helped to think about what I want to do. I’m also excited I can go to Creative Escape starting tomorrow. I’d really like to shop. John is pro me going, so I’m going.
I hope you were creative today!
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