Archives for 2005

Today’s joy

Ok, so I'm going to say that my joy for Monday was that my mom is home. Now I don't have to spend Friday nights alone. There you go. Joy. … [Read more...]

Finding joy.

I'm going to start every day by telling you something that brought me joy. I've been having a hard to find joy, Miss Lisa has been telling me for weeks that I need to find it. I'm hoping that by letting you know what my joy was for each day, I will remember how blessed I really am. Today I took Larissa up to San Francisco. I walked on the Golden Gate Bridge on one of the most picturesque days I've ever seen. It was 68, bright and sunny. We had a wonderful lunch in the Haight at All You … [Read more...]

What a busy week!

Oh my goodness! What a week! I'm going to start with NYC. Then I'll move on to the rest... I just adore Snidget! Seriously, I do! It took me forever to get to the hotel, but when I got there, I walked in and said "are you ready for some company?" She gave me a huge hug, and then it was like we had known each other for years! After a pretty restless night, I think the excitment of having a weekend in NYC was keeping us up, we ended up at Bliss. We had the most expensive pedicure that I … [Read more...]

Off to New York City!

So, Snidge and I are taking a road trip to NYC. I'm so excited, I can barely stand it. We are getting a Plum Plum pedicure at Bliss Salon on 49th Street... Then off to see Wicked. There will be so many other things we will be doing as well.... Tons and tons of shopping. I'll try to send post cards, but I think I'm going to be entirely too busy! Let me tell you, I really need this! … [Read more...]

Spoil-a-Blogger 2.0 pal!

My Spoil-a-Blogger 2.0 pal is so wonderful! She sent me Christmas with the Brady Bunch and A Partridge Family Christmas Card! I know it sounds silly to most of you, but I just love Christmas music. Both these cd's have been on my wishlist for a long time! Now I have reason to get started on my Christmas CD! What is also so cool is that she sent me this knitting pattern book from the 80's. You know the 80's are coming back! There are so many good ideas in the book! I'm really excited to … [Read more...]

A really nice little thing…

One of the things that I thought I was going to miss the most about my old house was the fact that my old dog Pete was there. My mom and I had talked about the fact that Pete's ghost was in the old house, and that you could see him out of the corner of your eye every once in a while. She thought that Pete would come with us to the new house. I wasn't so sure. I mean, was I really seeing a ghost, or did I just want to see him? So, Monday night I was making cookies for work. I don't normally … [Read more...]

Thank GOD, Janey!

First, did you see J-blow throw the HOH key across the lawn, and Janey gave her the finger on national television? That was AWESOME! Then, she was awesome in putting J-blow on the block, so smug! I just wish that she had put Evil-ette on the block instead of Maggie. That would have really had the coven on the run! I am just loving the turn about is fair play stuff that is going on right now! I can't wait to see which one is out (I'm hoping J-blow or Busted). Believe it or not, Janey or … [Read more...]

It’s all about BB6!

First, I haven't talked about BB6 for awhile, but I think it is time. Seriously. I absolutely detest Jennifer and April. Seriously. They go around and try to make deals, then go back to the "friendship" and say that other people are scheming behind their backs. They are so SMARMY. I really can't believe that Maggie is still playing a game that she feels Eric would be proud of. I mean really. When she and Eric see what kind of game they were playing... Damn. They are such hypocrites. … [Read more...]

Visiting the blog

So, I have a San Jose visitor. At least I think it's a San Jose visitor... One that uses XP and Firefox, and has a cable modem. This person is visiting me twice a day. They just visited about 8 minutes ago. I would imagine I'm going to have another one by morning. See, normally I'd be irritated. I'm not going to say I don't care. Obviously I care. I wouldn't say something about it if I didn't care. I'm just thinking if this person really wants to know what is going on in my life, why … [Read more...]

Dear Spoil-a-Blogger 2.0 pal!

I know, I know... It's late. These questions are late. I apologize. Seriously. Here is the link... You know what, lately I've been obsessed with Scotland. Think that way, and I'll be happy. … [Read more...]