As I mentioned before, I had my appendix out 4 weeks ago today. It was very scary. I knew something was wrong. I was listening to a conference call that started at 9 am. By 10, I was hurting. I called my husband when the call was over and told him something wasn’t right. I went right to bed, and my son was amazing. He just had a quiet Lego kind of day. At 4 pm, I called my husband again and said, “You are coming home soon, right?” We fed Sean dinner, called a friend to take him, and went straight to El Camino Hospital. It took over 2 hours for me to get a room, but once in, it took no time to get a diagnosis. I spent the night, and was the first person to have surgery the next morning. Overnight, I had the most intense pain I have ever had in my life. It was so bad. What was amazing was waking up after surgery. Yep there was a little pain, but it was so different, so mild. Nothing like what I had earlier that morning.
The most amazing thing was getting these lovely flowers! There is a non-profit group out there that re purposes discarded flowers, and donates them to local nursing homes, hospitals, and rehab centers. I was so lucky that my room was chosen to get flowers. They were beautiful brown orchids with white mums. They even lasted a week after I got home.
I really wanted to do a LO about my hospital experience, and how I’ve taken this removal of a non working organ to try and be a happier person. So, I bought (I know, I know) this uber cute Memory File line by Heidi Swapp at Michaels on clearance. I thought I would use it for vacation scrapping… But it worked so well with this situation. I cut up the memory file, added a rub on, some hearts, pins, and one piece of wood veneer. Then I added my hospital band. I really love how it turned out, and I am continuing on my trend of using ephemera. And, I didn’t need to have a photograph of me sick to make a hospital LO.
Have you made a LO about making lemonade? I’d love to hear about it!
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