Today has been 7 business days since I emailed the Guided Studies teacher for help. She also got a request from the principal the same day. 7 business days. And just think, this woman is supposed to provide 2 – 3 hours of work for Sean each week, or support him with the work he already has, but is falling behind with. I think she sees this as a vacation. I just reminded the principal that we’ve had no contact from her.
Again, I digress. I am scrapbooking. I am part of the ScrapHappy group and it brings me joy. Enough of school.
Abbey LOAD Day 6: George Harrison, Here Comes the Sun (song)
Story: Spring/change of seasons or anticipation of better times.
Technique: Sun/yellow
As much as it’s spring outside, I know this because my lilacs are gone, I have nectarines on the tree, and my nose is running up a storm, I don’t want to talk about the weather, or the changes, or the virus. I almost went off topic. Honestly, it’s hard to keep it positive in our current position. Then I thought about Henry dog. It was a change of seasons, albeit more of a winter thing. I’ve been thinking a lot about how much Henry would have loved that we were all home. He would have loved it. Sigh.
One of the last things I did before Henry passed was to force him to take one last picture with Sean on the living room couch. It was one of the first pictures I took of Henry and Sean, and I really wanted to recreate it. To show how much Sean had grown, and how Henry, was always Henry. So, it’s a change of seasons… Kinda.

This morning I was watching a Facebook Live with Shimelle. I am amazed that she doesn’t use a paper trimmer. She just uses her scissors. And not fancy scissors, regular Fiskars scissors with teal handle. She said her prompt was to use yellow, orange, teal, and blue. Then she did a super cute lo about earth day. Basically, this lo turned 90 degrees. So, I said, I’m going to scraplift Shimelle.
Thus I did. and there is kinda a yellow sun up in the upper left rectangle, and the clouds of heaven. Yep. I’m happy. I can see me doing this layout again. It made tons of sense to me.
So, were you creative today, or did you raise hell? Maybe you did both, just like me.
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