saturday night fun!

miss nikki and the uber cute nate after the sabercats beat the chicago storm saturday evening...  i love taking nate to the sabercats games. he just loves to watch the saberkittens, and he is so good while we are there.

i’m glad that nikki is back. we both really need friends right now, and i’m glad that we both are making the effort. smile i had a great weekend. i just wish that i didn’t miss the rocker like i do.


  1. Having good friends is definitely the way to get through hard times.  On the day of my last breakup, one of my best friends dragged me to the mall, made me buy myself a piece of jewelry, took me out for my first gardenburger (yum!) and went to karaoke with me.  It was the best day ever, and I’ll never forget it.  But, the memory of that breakup sure is fading away. :0)

  2. And the “alt” text would read:

    A) Gwen and Nate, or
    B) Nikki and Nate?