Tonight I had my second kickboxing class. I figured out the routine after just one class, so this class was not so bad. I will tell you, it is a damn good workout. It makes me feel like the workouts I've been doing in the morning are worthless. That however, could be a good thing. I think I like kickboxing... a LOT! So, when I got home from kickboxing, I decided the smart thing to do would be to bring more boxes of books into the house and load them into the new IKEA bookcases. I have … [Read more...]
Archives for June 13, 2005
My spoil-a-blogger pal Susanna loves me!
On Friday, I came home to a happy mail box. First, I got my new sunglasses that I bought at the deco show. They are really cool. I feel like I'm all vintage in them. Then I got my first spoil-a-blogger package! My palSusanna sent me some pattons splash yarn and this really cool purse accessory. I really like the yarn. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it yet, but I don't think it's going to be a scarf. I'm thinking it will make a really cute little purse. So, that's where I'm … [Read more...]
The little birdies are getting big!
A little while ago, I showed you a birds nest and 4 little chicks that were in there. This weekend, I counted 5 little birds in that nest. One is very large (front), and the other very small (back). I saw them all in there, but wasn't successful getting a picture that shows all 5. I'm really excited about my birdies. Daisy has finally figured out that they are there. Now she looks up at the nest, just like I do, trying to figure out what all the comotion is about. I can't imagine being … [Read more...]
Look who’s talking…