Archives for March 2005

Cadbury Mini Eggs

Are in stock at every local store I go to. It is evil, but very tasty. How come they are so good? How come they come at GSC time? … [Read more...]

Alameda Flea Market

Today, instead of doing my homework, I went to the huge Alamedia Art's and Antique show. Yes, it was HUGE. We walked for just over 3 hours. It was a beautiful day to be out. I am pretty sure that it was 65 degrees when we got there, 77 by the time we left. Bright blue skies, just what you would expect from a Northern California day. We got there about 10. There were tons of people there. Lots of rock-a-billy folks, all dressed in their vintage. I just love the look, I really do. As … [Read more...]

Family night

Daisy and I headed up to Mountain View last night for family night. It's the first time I've really been up there since I moved. I can't tell you how much I missed family night. We ordered pizza, ate moose tracks ice cream and watched Without A Paddle. It was so much fun. Daisy was so snuggly, she even sat on Tess' lap for a while. Tess is convinced that she can turn Daisy into a lap dog. HAH! I doubt that will ever happen. Brendan runs the Santa Clara County Cookie Cabinet for the Girl … [Read more...]

A LYS right around the corner!

I'm trying to start a stitch and bitch on campus. Today was our first meeting. Ok, well, there was just me and another woman, but that's fine. It's a start. We talked about all sorts of things, including where we buy our "supplies." She buys most of her fibers on eBay. I've bought somethings on eBay, but I really like to touch things before I make a purchase. I told her that I shop at Knitting Arts over in Saratoga. She was shocked! She said, why do you go that far? I told her the … [Read more...]


I am dying to talk about the numbers last night if anyone wants to talk about it with me... on aim right now... daisydo! … [Read more...]

Depressing reading

So, I've been doing a bit of reading outside my normal reads today. I went over and read I'm Dr. Laura's Worst Nightmare. I found it in Snidget's comments. Her particular entry today was about a teenage girl who committed suicide over the weekend. I can not tell you how much this sadens me. Really, it does. This girl is local to me. The funeral was held in my new neighbourhood. I've seen the girls/parents that were the topic of conversation. I know what it is like to be better than … [Read more...]

Free ice cream from Baskin-Robbins!

Did you hear about the free birthday ice cream? Did you? I didn't think so. So, sign into Yahoo! and get some ice cream. I'll be partaking tonight after GNO. … [Read more...]

Oh yeah?

I never talk about what people are searching for in regards to my site. But for the past two days someone is looking for gwen michael daisydo Yes, he has been mentioned a few times over the past two years. I did find 3 bicentennial quarters once (in one day), but I didn't mention his name. I did mention that I found a naked picture of him while packing, and purged it (along with all the bank records from that time in my life). i talked about a bad experience with frogs, who got me into web … [Read more...]